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Improving Financing and Sustainability of Water Supply Services in Mozambique

A group of women sit in a circle for a training in Nampula, Mozambique

Tetra Tech is helping to improve governance, investments, and services in the Mozambican water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector with a focus on water supply systems in rural areas.

Only a small fraction of the 8.3 million people living in Mozambique’s 265 rural growth centers and small towns have access to organized, professional water services. In the northern provinces of Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and Zambezia, only 17 of 47 small towns managed by the Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Administration have functional water systems. Within these 17 towns, delegated water system operators struggle with failing infrastructure, limited expertise, and low-cost recovery. Short-term operator lease agreements, chronically under-resourced agencies, and the Government of the Republic of Mozambique’s (GRM) financial challenges all contribute to a massive water infrastructure investment gap.


  • Enhancing capacity of WASH sector government institutions
  • Increasing the technical, financial, and management capacity of water providers
  • Establishing a national water fund with public and private funding
  • Improving household health and well-being, particularly for women and girls

Through the Transform WASH Activity, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Tetra Tech is supporting the development of the national and sub-national Mozambican WASH sector, increasing access to water services, and accelerating adoption of key hygiene behavior. Transform WASH is working collaboratively with the GRM and local water system operators to:

  • Strengthen policy implementation and institutional capacity to deliver WASH services
  • Increase and sustain the availability of water infrastructure and services
  • Improve access to private sector financing and business environments in the WASH service delivery chain
  • Accelerate uptake and maintenance of key water and hygiene behaviors among households and institutions
  • Increase women’s leadership and household decision-making power for WASH products and services

Transform WASH focuses on small towns, rural growth centers, and peri-urban settlements in Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and Zambezia provinces, while also enhancing the capacity of key national-level institutions. Tetra Tech is supporting policy reform, institutional capacity building for government partners, access to financing, and an improved business environment for private sector engagement. We also are engaging women and youth leaders and entrepreneurs to increase their role in the WASH sector’s growth and improvement.

Tetra Tech engaged closely with Mozambican Government counterparts to ensure that the program’s planning and implementation were inclusive and aligned with the existent needs in the selected provinces, and with the country’s WASH development strategies.
Clara Dimene, USAID Contracting Officer Representative

At a glance

Contract value



U.S. Agency for International Development

Implementation period



Water service delivery

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