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Strengthening Democratic Governance in Georgia

USAID and project staff announce the Parliament of Georgia’s new website concept

Tetra Tech helped the Government of Georgia strengthen transparency and effectiveness of governance by improving public administration and policy making, increasing civic engagement, and strengthening parliamentary oversight.

Over the last two decades, the Government of Georgia has made strides toward democracy by reforming the effectiveness and transparency of its government institutions. However, significant reforms have remained sluggish due to political barriers, external challenges or crises, and the complexities of building modern, effective, and responsive governance systems at the central and local level.


  • Helped build a more stable, professional, and independent civil service
  • Supported Georgia’s commitments to democratic reform under the OGP
  • Introduced and institutionalized mechanisms for parliamentary oversight
  • Developed improved public financial management systems for local governments

From 2015 to 2022, Tetra Tech worked closely with Georgian partners at the central and local level to build resilient, transparent, accountable, and effective governance systems. Through the Good Governance Initiative (GGI), funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Tetra Tech worked with partners at the central level and in 27 municipalities across Georgia to:

  • Improve administrative and financial management of government institutions, including Parliament
  • Increase the openness of government
  • Strengthen policy development and lawmaking processes
  • Support institutional oversight

Led by an all-Georgian team of experts since 2018, Tetra Tech made meaningful and sustainable contributions to Georgia’s democratic development. Recognizing that a stable, independent, and professional civil service underpins all other government functions, GGI provided technical assistance, training, and mentoring support to reform the Civil Service Bureau. To enhance transparency and citizen participation in government, GGI supported the Government of Georgia’s efforts to create and institutionalize transparent and effective oversight systems at both the local government and parliamentary level. We helped develop an innovative, web-based budget monitoring platform that tracks public spending and introduced participatory budgeting to improve public financial management across several municipalities.

The Guardian highlighted Georgia’s new Budget Monitoring Platform, an award-winning, innovative online tool developed by the State Audit Office with support from GGI

A hallmark of GGI’s strategy for sustainable results was to support and expand existing commitments of counterparts and partners across national and local governments, better positioning Georgia’s participation in the Open Government Partnership (OGP)—a global initiative committed to making governments open, accountable, and more responsive to citizens. Since inception, GGI supported Georgia’s counterparts to identify ambitious yet achievable OGP commitments. With GGI’s support, they have made substantive commitments and have joined a framework that will provide support and accountability long after the program closes.

Meeting participants view a demonstration of the i-Change portal, where Georgian citizens can create online petitions
Photo courtesy of the Administration of the Government of Georgia
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